Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And So It Ends

Fuck you Phillies.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Randomness (aka drunken post)

Here I sit listening to some Toadies and drinking some Jaeger. The Dodgers got their asses handed to them earlier, so all is not well. What follows are random tidbits culled from a pad of notes.

I saw that a busload of Amish folk got in a wreck. I thought those fucks only road in buggies? Faithless they are!

I can't help but mock the John McCain hand shake (aka robot arm or tin man with no oil). Yes, I know there are reasons, but damn!

Youtube is the devil. Many a drunken hour I have spent perusing the various videos of bands from my past. I still love them so! A few things that I have noticed that I hate. Electronic drums and the headless bass guitar. Weak as hell. A curiosity is the Rush Afterimage video. Neil Peart (perhaps the greatest rock drummer ever) sporting the long sleeve button down collared shirt. Very rock and roll it is not! I have also taken note of all of those fucks that record themselves playing Rush songs or Van Halen solos. Thanks for nothing. I know I have very limited skills on the kit but you guys make me feel like a tard. Appreciate that! At least I am semi talented in Rock Band. FYI, I love youtube.

I may have delved into this moment from my past but if so, too bad. Way on back in 1983 ish. I have very limited $$, as do my friends, so every cassette purchase is crucial. How do I know this? Because I recall a trip to the record store at Willowbrook Mall. I can't recall the store but I remember the purchases. Chris buys Whitesnake-Slide It In (good call), Doug gets Bryan Adams-Reckless (a fine album but a bit wimpy for us hard rockers), I get Dokken-Tooth & Nail. Solid buys for all. I do not recall when Dave did this, but he snagged the Autograph tape. I do recall listening to it in the van and it sucked. Dave was none too pleased. Nearly as much so as when he decreed that SOD (Stormtroopers Of Death) could not be played in his van. He changed his tune later as he became the heaviest rocker amongst us (and played in a band to boot). Suprisingly Blind Worms Sting turns up hundreds of times with a google search. Well played.

Let us speak of the economy. I have lost 40% of the value of my 401K in the calendar year. Of course that sucks but I care not. I am not retiring anytime soon, so let the market work!

I have contemplated my various drinking feats and perhaps it is time to attempt a listing. So here we go:

Funneling rum & coke

Lobster man ( 10 oz shot)

Everclearshooting contest ( Rules, take a shot with no chaser for 1 minute. I lost after4)

King Of Drink (Initially I was told I did well, but hindsight crowns Christopher)

60 minute man ( shot of beer every 60 seconds. I hurled but pulled it off. Harder than you think)

Edward 40 Hands
I forget how long it lasted last Holiday season, but it must have been 30 days of drinking.
I have pulled the 3 days of drinking in the same clothes.
I attempted the 100 beer weekend but ended up failing around 67. Tougher than it may seem.
I am willing to attempt most things for "science".
I have participated in many a football or baseball drinking game.
I have pounded down a flaming shot.
Pounding a bottle of Mad Dog in one drink ( not really the answer)
Too many drinking games to keep track of.
Yes I am 40. And I will carry on.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


I have discussed the carnage that hit my casa, here is the photographic evidence.

Rally Monkey Makes It So

Before the season started, I thought that the Dodgers had a good chance of making some noise. Since I figured it might be our year, I ordered up a Dodger collar for the dog, Saturn. Recently, while in LA on business, the wife bought me a Dodger rally monkey (official name Fuzzhead Wig Monkey). So, I have faithfully watched the three game sweep of the Cubs, lugged the monkey to the bar with me, faced derision for having a doll with me and toasted every victory with a Jaegerbomb. Good times. Below we have a picture of the three keys to victory!