Saturday, January 17, 2009


Fuck Brett Favre and his antics!
I admire Taylor Swift for wearing a skirt on New Years Eve. It was fucking cold in New York!
Of course she is hot (does not hurt).
Damn, Sunrise is 7:19!!! A tough haul indeed!
Currently rocking out to some Staind.
So Bran tells me at her happy hour meet tonight a fellow employee had his beers spiked with vodka and did not notice. Well, either he had never had a beer or he was shitfaced already. Regardless, sems like a weak move, high school like. Lets get some real drinkers in house (calling Malcolm)!
Queen was quite awesome when they got the group chorus working with the Brain May guitar work.
REM, Fall On Me
I think I may be a fan of a group no one hears about, Porcupine Tree. Of course that is based off of a few songs!
Flickerstick, now.
It seems I cannot evade the drunken music post.
Should I build a wall...

Damn what a brillant drunken antic! Lets say a few mates gather online, tag some drinks and suggest music for their fellows to listen to? I like it, will it fly, doughtful, but I like nevertheless.

For instance I would say "monkey business" by Skid Row.
Followed by some "When Its Over" by Loverboy.
But of course I am lit.
The whole point is to bring up music we enjoyed in the day but have forgotten.


It seems to me that most of my fellows do not have the freedom to pull the allnighter. You may as well count yourself lucky. It plays hell with the next. Good thing (for me) the wife is slapping down 8 tomorrow (today) after her happy hour excursion. Tell me, when was the last time (even you, Brain)?


Is The ipod/itunes the Devil?

Well, that may seem dramatic until I present my case. I am currently hanging out in the lounge at 3:00AM, listening to a random mix and tagging shots of the Captain. I blame the ipod. Yet I have not even plugged it in yet. Let me explain. I won a fair amount of expendable cash due to fantasy baseball and football (a damned good year), I bought bought an ipod classic (120 gb) after xmas. Sadly I had to convert my entire library of legit cd's from wma to a compatible format. This seemed easy enough, just drag the entire music folder over to itunes and it would take over. Imagine my dismay when I discovered that it did not catch all the music, some "albums" had only one song. So, after some trial and error I discovered that perhaps converting a small sample at a time worked better. So, after I got all my legit stuff on itunes, it was time for all the stuff I have stolen via Napster, Kazaa, Bearshare, etc over the years. Amazingly not every song that I had was properly labeled with artist, song, and album. The gall of some fuckers putting that shit out there improperly labeled. On a side note, some of the groups attributed to some songs and the titles said songs are given are quite comical. So, last Saturday I sat down to hit it hard and sync up album art with songs. Well, that did not turn out so well. I spent the evening at the bar and by the time I got to the house at midnight I was lit up. In my infinite wisdom I decided to plow forward and get it done. After awhile 4:00AM came around and I had to make a call, allnighter or go down. I went down and felt for shit all day Sunday. I took several days off from my task (and survived layoffs at work) and did not resume in earnest until Thursday. A byproduct of really exploring your music library is discovering what you do not have. For instance, I had to download a shitload of Barry Manilow, Neil Diamond, and others to round out my collection. I had them on CD (pirated) but needed them in mp3 format. So here I sit jamming to the Catherine Wheel after downloading some Axe and Saga earlier in the night. Yes, that's how I roll. When that shit was popular I was listening to country. Yes, Ronnie Milsap, Alabama and Oak Ridge Boys among others are represented. Wow, "Say, Say, Say". That kind of sucks. Far from the best output from Sir Paul and MJ. I would say that I have put in a good 30 hours working on this thing. I have not really minded (except for it exploiting the weakness in my character) and the wife likes that I am actually enthused about something (that is another tale). Since she is pulling 12 hour days and Saturdays, what am I to do? REO currently, I am not a hater. Time for a shot. So, after all this rambling, it is time to sync up the ipod and see what happens.
Side note, I may have previously chastised YouTube as the devil, but I am torn as to which is worse. OK, now it is "Time Stands Still", and witht that, I have decided to go for the all-nighter.
Adios, Hopefully I will have a post later.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tonight is One Of Those Nights

Indeed, tonight is the night that I wrap presents. Of course I have my own methodology. I proceed to get lit, listen to good music, wrap all presents in the same paper, cram all the extra paper into the ends, add no bows or ribbons and make them basically look like a down syndrome fuck wrapped them. Good times, I say.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Little Religion

On the recent guys camping trip (more on that later) a few religous topics came up and one was the following piece of art. I have seen it refered to as "The Senior Partner" or "Unending Riches". Either way it seems to be quite the mockery of Jesus (although I am sure it was not intended as such)

I prefer to call it something like "J makes it so" or "The Art of the Deal" or "Don't Fuck JC Over, Brah".

Secondly, some years back I gave Brian a heartfelt gift. He does not display it. I have demanded that he either display it with pride or give it back, to no avail. Here it is, a tasteful statuette.

Who would not like the statuette of Jesus running the option with a few kids? Hell, he does not even have a helmet on! Do you think those sandals get a good grip? Doubtful.

Lastly, I present the first xmas card I received at work.

Granted, the fact that anyone gave me a card is nice and she is a nice lady not send the random xmas card to everyone in the company extolling your religious views. Do you really think that everyone is going to appreciate the "everlasting presence" of Christ? No. I am quite sure if I randomly sent out some nice devil worship cards during the year I would be fired. Same difference I say.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And So It Ends

Fuck you Phillies.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Randomness (aka drunken post)

Here I sit listening to some Toadies and drinking some Jaeger. The Dodgers got their asses handed to them earlier, so all is not well. What follows are random tidbits culled from a pad of notes.

I saw that a busload of Amish folk got in a wreck. I thought those fucks only road in buggies? Faithless they are!

I can't help but mock the John McCain hand shake (aka robot arm or tin man with no oil). Yes, I know there are reasons, but damn!

Youtube is the devil. Many a drunken hour I have spent perusing the various videos of bands from my past. I still love them so! A few things that I have noticed that I hate. Electronic drums and the headless bass guitar. Weak as hell. A curiosity is the Rush Afterimage video. Neil Peart (perhaps the greatest rock drummer ever) sporting the long sleeve button down collared shirt. Very rock and roll it is not! I have also taken note of all of those fucks that record themselves playing Rush songs or Van Halen solos. Thanks for nothing. I know I have very limited skills on the kit but you guys make me feel like a tard. Appreciate that! At least I am semi talented in Rock Band. FYI, I love youtube.

I may have delved into this moment from my past but if so, too bad. Way on back in 1983 ish. I have very limited $$, as do my friends, so every cassette purchase is crucial. How do I know this? Because I recall a trip to the record store at Willowbrook Mall. I can't recall the store but I remember the purchases. Chris buys Whitesnake-Slide It In (good call), Doug gets Bryan Adams-Reckless (a fine album but a bit wimpy for us hard rockers), I get Dokken-Tooth & Nail. Solid buys for all. I do not recall when Dave did this, but he snagged the Autograph tape. I do recall listening to it in the van and it sucked. Dave was none too pleased. Nearly as much so as when he decreed that SOD (Stormtroopers Of Death) could not be played in his van. He changed his tune later as he became the heaviest rocker amongst us (and played in a band to boot). Suprisingly Blind Worms Sting turns up hundreds of times with a google search. Well played.

Let us speak of the economy. I have lost 40% of the value of my 401K in the calendar year. Of course that sucks but I care not. I am not retiring anytime soon, so let the market work!

I have contemplated my various drinking feats and perhaps it is time to attempt a listing. So here we go:

Funneling rum & coke

Lobster man ( 10 oz shot)

Everclearshooting contest ( Rules, take a shot with no chaser for 1 minute. I lost after4)

King Of Drink (Initially I was told I did well, but hindsight crowns Christopher)

60 minute man ( shot of beer every 60 seconds. I hurled but pulled it off. Harder than you think)

Edward 40 Hands
I forget how long it lasted last Holiday season, but it must have been 30 days of drinking.
I have pulled the 3 days of drinking in the same clothes.
I attempted the 100 beer weekend but ended up failing around 67. Tougher than it may seem.
I am willing to attempt most things for "science".
I have participated in many a football or baseball drinking game.
I have pounded down a flaming shot.
Pounding a bottle of Mad Dog in one drink ( not really the answer)
Too many drinking games to keep track of.
Yes I am 40. And I will carry on.