Saturday, September 20, 2008

And Now The Rant....

So, I am pretty sure that we all knew a hurricane was coming. I am also sure that the word was put out to prepare for a week without electricity. With that being said, fuck all of you SOB's waiting for the FEMA truck on Monday. Everybody crying about the Feds arent helping them. It had been two days. I feel certain that 99% of all house holds in the Houston area had enough canned goods to last two days. If you are stupid enough to not prepare, well, sorry. Hopefully Darwinism will weed you out. I could extend the branch of sympathy to those on Galveston and Bolivar but you were not supposed to even be there! Mandatory evacuation. What does it mean? How about get the fuck out! Now myself, I probably would stayed but I would have been well stocked. If I did not live behind the seawall, I would have seen the signs Thursday and bailed.
Back to the FEMA thing. I think they did just fine. They are not supposed to help out a city like Houston. It for a disaster area like Galveston. I saw some guy saying he needed to get formula for his baby. Hello? How about stocking up before it hit? Fucking people, I hate them.

I would like someone to tell me when ice became a needed commodity? Ice is a luxury in a disaster zone. I cannot believe all these people bitching and clamoring for ice. Sure, it might be nice to save your perishables, but you had to plan on them going away. Ice is not a necessity. In my case I froze water bottles in the hope that if the power went down I could save things for a day or two. If not, BBQ city. I would not be standing in line for hours to get ice, it is not needed. Desired, yes. Needed, no.


Unknown said...

I pondered trying to find a news crew and having my children re-enact the Katrina "We won't help!" chant.

I think FEMA is still a clusterf*ck organization, and will continue to think so until such time as I receive my free travel trailer and debit card.

Seemed to me Bill White and Ed Emmett did a pretty good job of not waiting around on the Feds to do something, but after my power came back on and I was able to buy bacon at Kroger's, I sort of quit caring.

Malcolm said...

Still no power for me. But I am coming to grips with my gypsy lifestyle. 4 different locales in the past 12 days. If this continues I may end up and Tom's or your place. Office is still closed, so can't even escape to work. Luckily, plenty of places open to buy cold beer. So all in all, not too bad. BTW, who voted for the Lich in the last Galveston Mayoral election?? I've only had a chance to see her a couple of times, but I swear she's so fucking old she could probably give an eyewitness account of the 1900 hurricane. Nothing like struting out the old fuck when we all need people of action. Bravo.

TalbotMonk said...

Well, I have to concur with Ron - if people are too stupid to prepare then they get what they get. FEMA isn't meant to handout basic staples for 100,000 people or more.

As for the people in Galveston; if they didn't heed Geraldo Rivera's dire predictions of certain death for anyone who stayed in Galveston (except him and his fellow reports who must be tougher than the average joe), then doom on them.

I have to say I might have stayed myself. I stuck it out on the eastern side of Puerto Rico for Hugo which was a cat 4 when it hit. Of course I really didn't have much choice. That being said, I probably would have been a bit cocky after that so it might have ended a bit poorly.
