Saturday, January 17, 2009


Fuck Brett Favre and his antics!
I admire Taylor Swift for wearing a skirt on New Years Eve. It was fucking cold in New York!
Of course she is hot (does not hurt).
Damn, Sunrise is 7:19!!! A tough haul indeed!
Currently rocking out to some Staind.
So Bran tells me at her happy hour meet tonight a fellow employee had his beers spiked with vodka and did not notice. Well, either he had never had a beer or he was shitfaced already. Regardless, sems like a weak move, high school like. Lets get some real drinkers in house (calling Malcolm)!
Queen was quite awesome when they got the group chorus working with the Brain May guitar work.
REM, Fall On Me
I think I may be a fan of a group no one hears about, Porcupine Tree. Of course that is based off of a few songs!
Flickerstick, now.
It seems I cannot evade the drunken music post.
Should I build a wall...

Damn what a brillant drunken antic! Lets say a few mates gather online, tag some drinks and suggest music for their fellows to listen to? I like it, will it fly, doughtful, but I like nevertheless.

For instance I would say "monkey business" by Skid Row.
Followed by some "When Its Over" by Loverboy.
But of course I am lit.
The whole point is to bring up music we enjoyed in the day but have forgotten.

1 comment:

TalbotMonk said...

Damn -- this think is giving me grief and it appears I can no longer create my own posts. So, I will just use this reply as such. It probably won't apply, but then again the original post was all over the map so I can good.

Best live song setup: "They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but I say fuck the pen because you can die by the sword" -- Die by the Sword; Slayer.

Hottest 80' rock chick: Patty Smyth (from Scandal). Hot bod, sexy voice.

Tagging down a Belhaven Scottish Ale I got for Christmas.

Curling next week - kick ass.

Okay, I've tried to stay positive about the new Pres., but the I don't think I'll be able to take the media. The very day after Obama took over this reporter said "This is the most transparent government we've seen". WTF: 1 day and this bitch already determined it is the most transparent government? Of course then there is the damn "Obama lifted his hands and raised a nation" CNN tee shirts --- are you fucking kidding me? They don't even pretend to be unbiased anymore. I would be embarrased to be a "journalist".

Okay, maybe not the most popular, but before moving to Texas the bro's and I were into Devo big time. Whip-It comes to mind to most people. Not a bad tune, but definately not rockin. Before you judge too harshly, check this cut: .

Which do you think is hotter; cartoon chicks or video game chicks (cut scenes and/or merchandise)? I'm going with video games in most cases. Of course all those are topped by Boris Vallejo (

Anthrax: Caught in a Most... awesome tune.

I'll post this one now -- I'm afraid I will loose it all to a power failure or some such nonsense.
