Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ike Timeline

What follows is a timeline of the events that transpired before, during and after Ike nuked us.
11:30AM: I received a call from Brandy's Dad letting us know that he had purchased a generator but the guy who was going to deliver it would not be able to make it to Brenham. The good news was that he was here in Cypress, a mere few miles away. If we wanted to borrow it we could. Amazingly, I said "Yes". I got the generator but the only problem was gas for it. I managed to get 6 gallons and would have to see if that would suffice.

1:00PM Meet Malc, King and Brian at Molly's Pub for pre storm beers and grub. Guy at the bar tapes up only a few windows with an x of painters tape. We all mock him.

6:20PM Our traditional hurricane buddy (Brian Scott) has joined us at the house. He has brought a case of MRE's. We notice that the wind has begun to blow.

6:30ishPM AT&T UVerse service goes down. This means the TV and internet. Seems a little premature to be losing services.

8:00ishPM I am drinking hurricanes and it is time for the MRE draft. We had a case of 12, so the three of us had a draft. If I recall my first round pick was the pork rib and the last selection was meatloaf (full of onions I am sure).

10:00PM I am not hunkering down, but the hunkerdown drinking game is in effect. Everytime you hear it, drink a large drink. This will not end well.

10:05PM I play "Galveston" by Glenn Campbell as it seems the shit is starting to hit.

11:20PM The ill used basketball goal in the drive way goes down. It misses my Jeep and Brians car by about a foot or so. So far so good.

12:00ish Time for a little Rock Band!

SATURDAY 9/13/08

1:12AM The power is now out. Time to listen to the radio and light the candles (thanks Bran).

2:50ishAM Nice gusts of wind. Bran expresses concern. I am not worried (imagine that). I set the over/under on deaths at 35 and wager with John and Brian. In retrospect I should have specified Texas. At this point the "hunker down" drinking game has gotten ugly. Every other fuck who calls in on the radio says it!

3:20AM Very windy. The trees are dancing! Brian has passed out. So far the wind is howling but no visible damage.

5:00AM I had intended to pull an all nighter but here is were it gets hazy. The fence goes down and Bran wakes me up to go check it out and see if we can save the rest. I say "No". It is now time for an Ike.

Sidenote: The Ike. A drink I made up pre storm that I was determined to have. Throw some liquor of your choice in a glass and then fill it up with rain from Ike. The Ike, genius, or so I thought.

5:05AM Hurl up the Ike on the front porch. Bran gets onto me for doing it by the front door but I am positive it will be washed away.

7:30AM Bran wakes me up and I see that things have taken a shit turn. The three trees out front are leaning upon another and have fallen on the garage. Not much to be done at this time.

Saturday AM and PM I am pretty much a slug. Bran does some minor repairs and I sleep alot. I do manage to get the generator up and running but that is about it on my part. Stunningly, Bran is less than pleased.

10:15PM Power is restored. This enough to wake me from my daylong funk and grab a few Shiners to celebrate.

11:39PM The celebration is short lived as the power goes out again. My beer drinking mood fades as well.

Sunday 9/13/08
8:30AM Time to crank up the generator again. So far the reefer has been kept cold.

8:45AM The power comes back on for good. Excellent. We are quite happy, except for the fact that TV and Internet do not return until 11:45AM Wednesday. Of course this is small potatoes compared to most. But I will bitch nonetheless.

Saturday 9/20/08

Here I sit listening to some tunes and drinking Bacardi and coke. The insurance adjuster will be out tomorrow to look at our damages (fence, missing shingles, some water damage in a closet, trees on house) and the arborist determined today that none of the three trees could be saved, so they will be hacking them down tomorrow AM. On the plus side, things are pretty much normal for me. I worked all week, Bran finally started her job Thursday (as opposed to the original Monday start date). We were able to go to Buffalo Wild Wings last night with Tom and his brood and today ordered pizza for delivery. The wheels of business must carry on! All in all, Ike treated us alright, even though we are an object of gawking on our street!
I end this with thanks to Brain for his motivational message!


Brain said...

Nice blow by blow account of Ike! :-) Glad to hear you, the Mrs. and the dog (I assume the dog as there was no mention of any harm, thankfully) made it thru!

Sorry to hear about the trees Bran, but it could have been worse, would have been devestating had there been 100+ mph winds rolling thru the lounge. That truly would have been tragic!

Unknown said...

Based on semi-random selection, I tried the meatloaf MRE yesterday. I did not notice any onions. It was however, very reminiscent of the cat food sandwich.

TalbotMonk said...

Very nice accounting - even where it gets hazy. I must admit that I might have had to pass on the Ike, but then again I passed on the river-bird so there is no shocker there.
